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November 2024 Idaho Voter Guide

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as well as other notice of other events and to get a PDF of the guide.
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For info on Matt Clifford please follow these two links and review our opinion of the issue below. 

Refusing to meet with 12 pastors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yA6t9G-G3E

Violating rights:  https://idahodispatch.com/kuna-man-awarded-settlement-in-wrongful-arrest-case-speaks-out/

While Matt was forced to issue a statement on this, the fundamental issue is, why do we have a sheriff’s department that doesn’t even realize their role? Why jump and attack a person for merely looking inside a sheriff’s car?  Does every citizen need to worry about getting a deputy angry? This is not something you need to “train” for. It’s common human decency. It’s understanding what your job as a Sheriff is. it’s endemic of a deeper problem. It’s not about a single incident but the entire demeanor of the deputies who think they are superior to the people they work for. This can only come from the top. Was anyone fired or punished for this incident? Forget the fact that the citizens of Ada had to pay $250,000 of our own tax money for their arrogance. Ideally this amount should have come from the paychecks of each officer involved and every officer they reported to, but since that is unrealistic, at the least they should have had a week or two pay docked as they stayed home. The problem is that nobody was punished for this but us.

This guide can change as we get updated information, so please make sure you have the latest version
before you vote. To make sure you are mailed this guide in the future both for upates and for future
elections. Sign up in the field above.

Please Note: This guide does not indicate an endorsement nor makes any claim that any candidate is of pure character, it is just
an identification of the candidates whose actions and platforms align closer to Biblical values and the values of independence
and the Biblical Free Market (see Proverbs 31 and the Parables of the 10 talents) or that they are the
best of 2 or more potentially problematic candidates.



* Most Conservative option
+ Marginally Conservative, or less Liberal / Progressive than the alternative(s)
ABSTAIN or Not Listed: Two or more Ideologically Comparable Conservative or Non-Conservative Candidates, OR Unchallenged Incumbent, OR We do not have enough information to make a sound Educated Recommendation
Important Note

While you need to vote at a minimum, it is not enough to merely vote for a candidate. The real battle is
in GETTING OUT THE VOTE on a broader scale. Progressives mobilize their voter base utilizing paid
union workers – the teacher’s union, etc., WOKE ideologues, and misguided constituents. We cannot
assume we’ll win elections by taking a passive approach or limiting our participation to voting alone.
The Pastors’ Legislative Advisory Council (PLACE), the Values Advocacy Council Action, and
ConservativesOf: City, County, District, and State Chapters ask that your Constitutionally minded
Biblically based Conservative churches, families, friends, and neighbors join with us either through
their own church ministries 501c4 branches or through ConservativesOf: Campaign Teams and Action
Groups to go door to door and help GET OUT THE VOTE for our Biblically-minded Conservative
candidates and / or recommended candidates.

This is a great experience for family members of all ages. Homes for door knocking are selected based
on their registration, ensuring you’ll be contacting generally likeminded, friendly voters in your efforts.
You’ll be joining other experienced campaigners and encouraging likeminded citizens in your
communities to vote for candidates who align with our values as best reflected by candidates
represented in our ConservativesOf: voter guide(s).

We also encourage you to host Candidate Meet & Greets and other events at your home while inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to attend, get involved, and GET OUT THE VOTE.
Scroll down to find the different county propositions. Look on your ballot to find your districts etc. Then do a search for them.

Idaho State Ballot Initiatives

*No on Proposition 1 – Ranked Choice Voting and Jungle Primaries

*Yes on “Idaho Citizenship Requirement for Voting” amendment


We recommend ABSTAIN (unless otherwise indicated) in most Judicial races unless voters have personal knowledge of the candidate(s). Judges are seleted for apointment or election through the Idaho Judicial Council & Idaho State Bar, both of which are center-left leaning ideologically, and seldom if ever reommend / select Constitutional Originalist Judges
U.S. President
*Donald J. Trump
U.S. House, Congressional District 1
*Russ Fulcher
U.S. House, Congressional District 2
*Todd Corsetti

Idaho State Candidates

1: +Jim Woodward
2: *Phil Hart
3: *Doug Okuniewicz
4: *Ben Toews
5: *Carl Bjerke
6: *Dan Foreman
7: *Cindy Carlson
8: *Christy Zito
9: *Brandon Shippy
10: *Tammy Nichols
11: +Camille Blaylock
12: +Ben Adams
13: *Brian Lenney
14: *Kirsten Faith Richardson
15: *Codi Galloway
16: *LeeJoe Lay
17: *Benjamin Chafetz
18: +Dan Bridges
20: *Josh Keyser
21: *Mike Long
22: +Lori Den Hartog
23: *Paul Smith
24: *Glenneda Zuiderveld
25: *Josh Kohl
26: *Kala Tate
28: +Jim Guthrie
30: +Julie VanOrden
31: +Van T. Burtenshaw
34: +Doug Ricks
35: +Mark Harris
1A: +Mark Sauter
1B: *Cornel Rasor
2A: *Heather Scott
2B: *Dale Hawkins
3A: *Vito Barbieri
3B: *Jordan Redman
4A: *Joe Alfieri
4B: *Elaine Price
5A: *Ron Mendive
5B: *Tony Wisniewski
6A: +Lori McCann
6B: +Brandon Mitchell
7A: *Kyle Harris
7B: +Charlie Shepherd
8A: *Rob Beiswenger
8B: *Faye Thompson
9A: +John C. Shirts
9B: *Gregg Diacogiannis – Write-In
10A: *Mike Moyle
10B: *Bruce Skaug
11A: *Kent Marmon
11B: *Lucas Cayler
12A: +Jeff Cornilles
12B: *Jaron Crane
13A: *Brent Crane
13B: *Steve Tanner
14A: Abstain
14B:*Josh Tanner
15A: +Annette Tipton
15B: +Dori Healey
16A: +Chandler Stewart Hadraba
16B: *Jackie Davidson
17B: *Jazz Alexis
19A: *Jim Feederle
20A: +Joe A Palmer
20B: +James D. Holtzclaw
21A: +James Petzke
21B: Daniel S. Weston
22A: +John Vander Woude
22B: *Jason Monks
23A: *Chris Bruce
23B: +Shawn R Dygert
24A: *Clint Hostetler
24B: +Steve Miller
25A: +Lance Clow
25B: *David Leavitt
26A: +Mike Pohanka
26B: +Jack Nelsen
27A: +Douglas T Pickett
28B: +Dan Garner
29A: +Dustin W. Manwaring
29B: *Tanya Burgoyne
30B: +Ben G. Fuhriman
31A: +Jerald Raymond
31B: +Rod Furniss
32B: +Wendy Horman
33A: *Barbara Ehardt
35A: *Kevin Andrus
35B: +Joshua Wheeler

County & District Candidates - In Alphabetical Order by County and City

Ada County

*Vote No on all Bonds & Levies
County Proseutor
+Jan Bennetts

County Sheriff
*Doug Traubel: Note Matt Clifford is the endorsed Republican Candidate, but Matt refused to meet
with 12 of our pastors, lied about his jurisdiction and chased the Calvary Chapel Pastor who came to
ask for a meeting off the premises. Daug Traubel is a lifelong Republican and Constitutional Sheriff and
has vowed to uphold the unalienable rights of each individual over any immoral demands of the state or
Federal government. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yA6t9G-G3E

County Commissioners
District 1 *Ryan Davidson
District 3 +Tom Dailey
County Highway District District 1 TBD
District 2 *Rebecca Arnold

Canyon County Candidates

*Vote No on all Bonds & Levies

County Commissioners
District 3 *Zach Brooks


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